
The Liberian Acting Secretary of State (Coleman) to the American Chargé in Liberia (Reber)50

[No.] 635/D

Mr. Chargé d’affaires: The Legislature of Liberia having authorized the reorganization of the Hinterland Administration of Liberia, this Government is desirous of availing themselves of the offer of assistance so generously made by your Government in the memorandum which you had occasion to submit to the Department on the 3rd instant.

I should, therefore, be infinitely obliged to you if you would be good enough to transmit to your Government the request of the Government of Liberia that two persons of American nationality of proved experience in the administration of tropical territories and peoples be nominated by your Government for service as Commissioners in the Liberian Hinterland Administration.

The nominees who will be appointed when they arrive in Liberia, will immediately be charged with the reorganization, supervision and direction of the Hinterland Administration, and in the performance of their duties will be responsible to the President direct.

The salary which this Government now find themselves able to offer cannot exceed the sum of Four Thousand dollars per annum exclusive however of allowances.

I have [etc.]

S. David Coleman
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Chargé in Liberia in despatch Diplomatic No. 60, January 9, 1931; received January 30.