
The Secretary of State to the American Member of the International Commission of Inquiry (Johnson)

My Dear Dr. Johnson: On the occasion of the termination of your services as American member of the International Commission of Inquiry into the Existence of Slavery and Forced Labor in Liberia I desire to express to you my appreciation for your valuable and unselfish contribution to the achievements of that body. I am hopeful that the findings and recommendations formulated as a result of the Inquiry may lead to an improvement in the conditions of the Liberian people, and that they will prove of enduring benefit to the country itself.

[Page 374]

At the same time, I acknowledge the receipt of the signed copy of the unanimous report of the International Commission, delivered to the Department of State on October 21, 1930, as well as of the supplementary documents, memoranda, et cetera, enumerated below.

I am [etc.]

Henry L. Stimson


Index to the report of the International Commission;
Two bound volumes, each with index, comprising the testimony taken by the International Commission;
A book of photographs;
A supplementary report and memorandum, with enclosures, dated October 1, 1930, made by the American Member and addressed to the Assistant Secretary of State;
A map indicating the various tribal areas of Liberia;
Miscellaneous notes, Liberian publications, memoranda, et cetera, bearing on the above subjects.

  1. Of the documents listed, only the index to the report of the International Commission is printed in Department of State, Report of International Commission of Inquiry Into the Existence of Slavery and Forced Labor in Liberia.