882.00/860: Telegram

The Chargé in Liberia (Reber) to the Secretary of State


157. Department’s 100, November 13, 1 p.m. This afternoon I told President King that I had been instructed to inquire concerning the alleged depredations by soldiers in Kru coast towns. He seemed much disturbed by the inquiry, but he implied that the Krus were themselves responsible for this situation through their seditious acts, just brought to the Government’s attention. He stated he was investigating the reports and, owing to the difficulty of receiving reliable information otherwise from the Kru region, he proposed sending by the first steamer available an investigating commission headed by his aide-de-camp, Colonel McLean, and a Kru tribe member. I emphasized the unfortunate impression which would be created should the actions of soldiers cause a native uprising [Page 369] and the extreme disfavor with which any reprisals against the natives would be regarded, and I expressed the hope of punishment for persons who were responsible for the acts of the soldiers. President King promised to inform me regarding the results of his investigations.

The earlier reports have been substantiated by further evidence, and now I await information concerning the more recent developments.
