882.00/859: Telegram
The Chargé in Liberia (Reber) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:20 p.m.]
155. I am reliably informed that a frontier force detachment of soldiers is pillaging natives along the Km Coast. This action is alleged to be taken to compel the natives to pay their hut taxes, although, I am informed by the Supervisor of Internal Revenue, in many of these towns money has already been collected and is awaiting transmission.
These acts of soldiers recently sent to the coast are, it is feared, in retaliation against the paramount chiefs and other Km representatives for their testimony before the International Commission (see my despatch No. 6, August 2041). Should this policy be continued, organized opposition on the part of the natives may be expected to follow, with the creation of a situation of virtual revolt, in regard to which other nations will find it difficult to refrain from taking action.
May I be authorized informally to inquire of President King concerning this reported incident and to express to him the extreme disfavor with which the Department would regard the adoption of such a policy?
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