890g.01/234: Telegram
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State
London, January 8, 1930—3
[Received 3:05 p.m.]
[Received 3:05 p.m.]
7. Embassy’s 389, December 24, 11 a.m. Foreign Office stated yesterday that Henderson22 would be prepared to sign the treaty with me tomorrow at 4 p.m. and also indicated the following unessential substitutes and omissions in texts:
- 1.
- Substitute more correct phrase “the United Kingdom” for “Great Britain” in line 4 of note from Jafar Pasha to United States [Page 302] Plenipotentiary (Embassy’s telegram 338 of November 22, 11a.m.).
- 2.
- Corresponding change in my reply to Jafar Pasha (Department’s 317 of November 27, 1 p.m.).
- 3.
- Omit “Britannic,” as word superfluous, in line 7 of note from Foreign Secretary to the United States Plenipotentiary regarding annual report (annex C23 of enclosures to my despatch number 101 of July 26, 1929).
- 4.
- Corresponding omission in my acknowledgment to Foreign Secretary (annex C123 of above despatch).
- 5.
- Omit first two words “Anglo-Iraq” in heading to schedule 2 of convention so that corrected heading may read “Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq of, etc.”
- 6.
- Omit enclosure to letter in schedule 4 (i. e., Anglo-Iraq Treaty of January 13, 192624) as it already appears as schedule 3.
I shall proceed with signing documents as amended above at that time unless instructed otherwise.