890g.01/228: Telegram
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State
338. Department’s 259, September 26, 11 a.m. Informal Foreign Office note received today states:
“We have now received the draft of the note which Jafar Pasha proposes to address to the United States plenipotentiaries on this subject and I enclose a copy. You will see that the text of Article 28 of the Iraqi law, as quoted in the note, differs slightly from that given in paragraph 3 of Monteagle’s letter to you of July 25, in that the word’ non-technical’ has been inserted in the first sentence before the words ‘private schools’. This insertion renders the translation of the Arabic text of the law more accurate, and does not, so far as we can see, adversely affect the position between Iraq and the United States.
If the State Department thinks the terms of Jafar’s draft note satisfactory, perhaps you would be good enough to send us a draft of the note in which your plenipotentiary would propose to acknowledge its receipt. We would then, after communicating it to Jafar Pasha, be able to prepare the requisite copies of the convention itself, and obtain all the other documents which will be signed with it: and we will suggest to you in due course a date on which signature should take place.”
The enclosure, being a draft copy of a communication from Jafar Pasha to the United States plenipotentiary, is as follows:
[Here follows text of the draft note. For text as signed on January 9, 1930, see page 307.]
- Telegram in two sections.↩