
The Acting Secretary of State to the Danish Minister (Brun)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of April 12, 1930, in which, referring to a note of this Department dated June 13, 1928, you convey the gratifying information that the Government of Iceland is prepared to enter into a treaty of arbitration with the Government of the United States, in terms similar to those of the treaty of June 14, 1928, between the United States and Denmark.

You set forth in your note certain alterations in the text of the treaty of June 14, 1928, which are deemed necessary in order to make the text suitable for acceptance in a treaty with Iceland. These alterations are entirely acceptable to the Government of the United States, [Page 288] and I take pleasure in transmitting herewith a draft of a treaty in which I have undertaken to embody them.4

If the enclosed draft is satisfactory, I shall be glad to have the treaty put into final form and to recommend that the President authorize me to sign the same with you at your early convenience.

The draft treaty, following the text of the treaty of arbitration between the United States and Denmark, contains references to the former arbitration treaty of May 18, 1908,5 which expired by limitation on March 29, 1914, and also to the conciliation treaty of April 17, 1914,6 between the United States and Denmark. This Government understands these references in the sense that the treaty of 1908, when it was in force, extended to Iceland, and that the treaty of 1914 is now in force as between the United States and Iceland as well as between the United States and Denmark.

Accept [etc.]

J. P. Cotton