838.00 Commission of Investigation/88: Telegram
The Chairman of the President’s Commission (Forbes) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received 8 a.m.]
Statement to the press March 15, 1930:
The Commission is glad to announce that its plan made public on March 916 is now in a fair way to become effective. The Federated groups have formulated and sent in a signed statement of a program satisfactory to the Commission and to President Borno.17 They have also suggested five names of candidates for the temporary Presidency who would be acceptable to them.18 President Borno has informed the Commission through General Russell that of these names that of Eugene Roy was satisfactory to him thus making Mr. Roy the coalition candidate. The plan provides briefly “that the convention of electors representing the different Patriotic groups and organizations be assembled and vote on March 20 for a candidate for the Presidency whose name will then be submitted to the Council of State who will vote on it April 14. Approved by both sides in due course, he will then succeed to the Presidency at the expiration of President Borno’s term, having pledged himself to call elections for the legislative chambers at the earliest possible date. He will present his resignation to the chambers when they convene. The latter will then proceed to elect a president for the regular term.[”]
The program also has the sanction and approval of President Hoover and the State Department in Washington.
The Commission feels that this is a happy solution of the problem and wishes to express its thanks to President Borno and the officers of the Government on one side and to the representatives and delegates of the Federated groups on the other for their gracious conduct and conciliatory spirit without which this solution of the difficult Haitian situation would have been impossible.
- See press release issued by the President’s Commission on March 9, 1930, p. 200.↩
- See Document No. 1 contained in telegram of March 15 from the Chairman of the President’s Commission, supra.↩
- See Document No. 3 contained in telegram of March 15 from the Chairman of the President’s Commission, supra.↩