
The Consul at Nairobi (MacVitty) to the Secretary of State

No. 8

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s telegraphic instruction, May 15, 5 p.m. 1930,30 with reference to its instruction of July 30, 1929,30 concerning the British proposals to change the provisions of the Muscat Treaty in its application to Zanzibar; and to advise that this office is just in receipt of a communication, June 16, 1930, from the British Resident at Zanzibar which is quoted below in full:—

“I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th of June, 1930, and to inform you that in regard to the negotiation or amendment of Treaties with Foreign Powers, His Majesty’s Government in Great Britain acts on behalf of the Government of Zanzibar.”

In response to the Department’s request for a detailed report giving an expression of views in regard to the proposals of the British Government as outlined in the Department’s instruction above referred to; after a careful study of the British Government’s proposals it does not appear that the interpretations given would hamper consular rights to an unnecessary extent, nor that American trade with Zanzibar would be unduly discriminated against.

The present situation in Zanzibar makes certain clauses in the Muscat Treaty obsolete and it is believed that the proposals are in accord with modern conditions.

I have [etc.]

K. de G. MacVitty
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