893.113 Radio/27

The Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham) to the Chargé in China (Perkins)22

No. 6309

Sir: With reference to this Consulate General’s telegram No. 105, June 19, 1929, 11 a.m.,22a quoting a telegram from the Ministry of Finance regarding the lifting of the embargo against the importation of radio equipment, I have the honor to quote the following from the local Commissioner of Customs for the information of the Legation.

“I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 26th November last, enquiring, in connection with the reported removal of the restrictions against the importation of radio receiving sets, wireless apparatus, etc., if any official notification to that effect had been received by the Customs, and, in reply, to inform you that I have not been notified of the removal of the embargo.

[Page 841]

“Some time ago my attention was drawn to announcement anent this removal appearing in the Government Gazette, and official confirmation was then sought for by me, so far, however, without reply.”

I have [etc.]

Edwin S. Cunningham
  1. Copy received in the Department without covering despatch on February 26, 1930.
  2. See telegram No. 495, June 20, from the Minister in China, p. 838.