Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1929, Volume II

Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1929, Volume II
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- Belgium: (Documents 1–10)
- Bolivia:
- Bulgaria: (Documents 11–17)
- Canada: (Documents 18–52)
- Agreement between the United States and Canada to submit the case of the
I’m Alone to arbitration (Documents 18–21)
- Commercial smuggling across the international border between the United
States and Canada (Document 22)
- Unperfected convention between the United States and Canada for the
protection of the Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Fisheries (Documents 23–25)
- Proposed convention to replace the halibut fishery convention of March 2,
1923, between the United States and Great Britain (Documents 26–28)
- Establishment of a commission to investigate the fisheries problem in
Missisquoi Bay (Documents 29–34)
- Disinclination of the United States to accept Canadian proposal for
general discussion of fisheries questions (Documents 35–37)
- Setting up of an international commission to investigate effects on
fisheries of proposed power development in Passamaquoddy Bay (Documents 38–41)
- Unperfected convention between the United States and Canada for the
preservation and improvement of the Niagara Falls, and protocol, signed
January 2, 1929 (Document 42)
- Disinclination of the Canadian Government to consent that the
International Joint Commission reconsider the matter of the apportionment of
the waters of the St. Mary and Milk Rivers (Documents 43–46)
- Arrangement between the United States and Canada regarding admission of
civil aircraft, the issuance of pilots’ licenses and the acceptance of
certificates of airworthiness for aircraft imported as merchandise (Documents 47–48)
- Arrangement between the United States and Canada governing radio
communications between private experimental stations (Documents 49–51)
- Arrangement between the United States and Canada concerning quarantine
inspection of vessels entering Puget Sound and waters adjacent thereto or
the Great Lakes via the St. Lawrence River (Document 52)
- Agreement between the United States and Canada to submit the case of the
I’m Alone to arbitration (Documents 18–21)
- Chile: (Documents 53–54)
- China: (Documents 55–912)
- Continued civil war and political disunion in China, with maintenance of
the National Government and allegiance of the Manchurian leaders
thereto (Documents 55–78)
- Sino-Soviet Conflict over the Chinese Eastern Railway and appeal by the
United States for observance of the Pact of Paris (Documents 79–409)
- Measures taken by the United States for the protection of American lives
and property in China (Documents 410–513)
- Murder of three American Catholic missionaries by Chinese bandits (Documents 514–525)
- Dual nationality of United States citizens of Chinese descent (Documents 526–534)
- Cancelation of the embargo on shipments of arms to China and termination
of the agreement to refrain from assisting China in naval construction (Documents 535–554)
- Attitude of the Department of State in regard to the promotion of sales of
American aircraft in China (Documents 555–558)
- Reduction of American armed forces in China (Documents 559–564)
- Attitude of the Department of State regarding Chinese complaints against
members of the American armed forces in China (Document 565)
- Insistence by China upon the relinquishment of extraterritorial rights by
the United States and other Powers (Documents 566–671)
- Abolition by China of offices of commissioners of foreign affairs (Documents 672–683)
- Negotiations regarding the Provisional Court in the International
Settlement at Shanghai (Documents 684–747)
- Refusal of American Consulate General at Shanghai to comply with request
of Shanghai Provisional Court that Consul testify in case arising in
connection with official duties (Documents 748–749)
- Press restrictions by Chinese authorities affecting American citizens in
China (Documents 750–779)
- Treaty regulating tariff relations between the United States and China,
signed July 25, 1928 (Documents 780–806)
- Efforts of the United States to meet situation created by imposition in
China of taxes considered unfair to American trade (Documents 807–837)
- Protests by the United States against proposed Chinese financial measures
diverting revenues from payment of American loans in default (Documents 838–855)
- Continued negotiations concerning the Federal Telegraph Company’s contract
with the Chinese Government (Documents 856–861)
- Chinese regulations restricting importation of radio equipment and
materials (Documents 862–873)
- Difficulties in China of the Central Asiatic Expedition of the American
Museum of Natural History (Documents 874–886)
- Informal representations to protect American firm from action of the
Japanese police in the South Manchuria Railway Zone (Documents 887–888)
- Assent by the United States to the proposal of the Chinese Government
respecting payment of remitted Boxer indemnity funds (Documents 889–891)
- Determination and payment of American claims under the agreement in
settlement of the Nanking incident of March 24, 1927 (Documents 892–903)
- Efforts of the United States to obtain amends from the Chinese Government
for the killing of Dr. Walter F. Seymour (Documents 904–906)
- Special Mission to the State burial of the late Nationalist leader, Sun
Yat-sen, at Nanking, June 1, 1929 (Documents 907–912)
- Continued civil war and political disunion in China, with maintenance of
the National Government and allegiance of the Manchurian leaders
thereto (Documents 55–78)
- Colombia: (Documents 913–923)
- Agreement between the United States and Colombia granting reciprocal
facilities to aircraft of American registry in Colombia and of Colombian
registry in the United States, including the Panama Canal Zone (Documents 913–922)
- Suspension of negotiations for commercial treaties with Colombia and other
countries (Document 923)
- Boundary dispute with Nicaragua
- Agreement between the United States and Colombia granting reciprocal
facilities to aircraft of American registry in Colombia and of Colombian
registry in the United States, including the Panama Canal Zone (Documents 913–922)
- Costa Rica:
- Cuba: (Documents 924–948)
- Proposal by Cuba that the commercial convention between the United States
and Cuba, signed December 11, 1902, be revised (Documents 924–925)
- Representations against proposed legislation contravening the right of
American intervention in Cuba (Documents 926–927)
- Agreement between the United States and Cuba to submit the claim of
Charles J. Harrah to arbitration (Documents 928–948)
- Proposal by Cuba that the commercial convention between the United States
and Cuba, signed December 11, 1902, be revised (Documents 924–925)
- Denmark: (Documents 949–953)
- Dominican Republic:
- Egypt: (Documents 954–980)
- Treaties of arbitration and conciliation between the United States and
Egypt, signed August 27, 1929 (Documents 954–959)
- Proposed changes in the regime of the Mixed Courts in Egypt (Documents 960–972)
- Proposed establishment of an Egyptian customs regime through legislative
action (Documents 973–975)
- Assent by the United States to the collection of the Gaffir tax from
American nationals (Documents 976–980)
- Treaties of arbitration and conciliation between the United States and
Egypt, signed August 27, 1929 (Documents 954–959)
- Estonia: (Documents 981–994)
- Ethiopia: (Documents 995–1002)
- France: (Documents 1003–1036)
- Supplementary extradition convention between the United States and France,
signed January 15, 1929 (Documents 1003–1004)
- Problems of tariff administration regarding French exports to the United
States and American exports to France (Documents 1005–1007)
- Exemption from taxation of United States trade commissioners and customs
representatives in France (Documents 1008–1011)
- Efforts by the Department of State to protect American motion picture
interests from restrictions imposed by French film regulations (Documents 1012–1034)
- Protest against use of the design of the American flag for advertising
purposes as contravening the convention of June 2, 1911, for the protection
of industrial property (Documents 1035–1036)
- Supplementary extradition convention between the United States and France,
signed January 15, 1929 (Documents 1003–1004)
- Germany: (Documents 1037–1096)
- Interest of the United States in the plan for the final settlement of
German reparations recommended by the Committee of Experts, June 7,
1929 (Documents 1037–1077)
- Negotiations for an agreement to provide for payment of American Army of
Occupation costs and Mixed Claims Commission awards (Documents 1078–1091)
- Reciprocal treatment to be accorded by the United States and Germany to
consular staffs in the payment of import duties and other taxes (Documents 1092–1096)
- Interest of the United States in the plan for the final settlement of
German reparations recommended by the Committee of Experts, June 7,
1929 (Documents 1037–1077)
- Index