893.74/884: Telegram
The Chargé in China (Perkins) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 29—5:40 a.m.]
1199. Following from Kuo Wen Agency, Nanking, December 26:
“Notice of cancellation of the wireless agreement concluded between the Federation [Federal] Wireless Company of America and the former Chiaotungpu5 in Peiping, was served on the American firm on December 24, according to confirmation from local Chinese circles. The communication was issued by the commission recently organized by the Chiaotungpu for the revision of these cable contracts with the Chinese Government.
So far as can be ascertained, the letter requests the American company to send delegates to Nanking to enter into negotiations with the commission. It is stated that in the forthcoming negotiations the Government will insist on the elimination of all fears [features?] from the old agreements that are considered as ‘unequal’ so that the right of international communication may be restored to China,
It is understood that similar communications have been sent to the Great Northern and Great Eastern Cable Companies.”
I am asking consul at Nanking to confirm.6