151.096/143: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (MacMurray)
372. Your 809, September 10. Since Commissioners of Foreign Affairs or officials in that capacity so far have been the only officials [Page 680] authorized by the Chinese Government to issue Section Six certificates to Chinese citizens desiring to come to the United States the Department considers it to be advisable that in your discretion you suggest to the Foreign Office that upon the abolition of the offices of the Commissioners of Foreign Affairs other officials be specifically authorized to issue such certificates. In this connection you may point out the inconvenience which would be occasioned to Chinese citizens desiring to come to this country through a failure to authorize officials to issue Section Six certificates. The Department realizes the possibility of a repercussion to such a suggestion in the form of a revival of protests against the Chinese exclusion laws generally and therefore would appreciate being informed if, in your opinion, the present is not an opportune time to take up this matter with the Chinese Government.