893.00/10424: Telegram
The Consul General at Canton (Jenkins) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 9—3 p.m.]
Referring to my telegram of May 8, 4 p.m.62 Four Cantonese aeroplanes bombed three pro-Kwangsi cruisers in the harbor today, dropping five or six bombs which fell in the river and did no serious damage. Chinese cruisers then moved upstream to Shameen and anchored amongst foreign merchant vessels, whereupon provincial authorities called upon consular body to force cruisers to surrender, failing which renewal of bombardment was threatened. Negotiations were begun between authorities and rebellious cruisers, with consuls and naval officers concerned trying to mediate. Only result was promise from both sides that negotiation should be resumed tomorrow at 10 o’clock and that there should be no hostilities in the meantime. I hope agreement will be kept but I feel somewhat doubtful of good faith of commander of cruisers. If no agreement is reached tomorrow and Government forces insist on attacking cruisers, foreign gunboats may [Page 455] have to change position and Shameen will be in considerable danger.
General situation seems to have greatly improved in respect of Cantonese forces which now show some determination to fight.
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