861.77 Chinese Eastern/806
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Albania (Holmes)20
Sir: You are informed that on December 14, 1929, the Department received by telegraph from the American Ambassador at Rome the French text of a note which had been handed to him by the Albanian Minister at Rome, regarding the Russo-Chinese dispute in Manchuria. A translation of this note is enclosed herewith21 for your information.
You are instructed to deliver to the Albanian Minister for Foreign Affairs the Department’s reply to this note as follows:
“Under instructions from my Government, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the United States has received the note of the Government of Albania, handed by the Albanian Minister at Rome to the American Ambassador at that place on December 14, 1929, and transmitted by the Ambassador to the Department of State. The American Government is deeply gratified to learn that the Government of Albania associates itself with the action of the Government of the United States directed toward effecting a peaceful settlement of the controversy between China and Russia.
“With regard to the request that the Government of the United States transmit to China and Russia a communication setting forth the views of the Government of Albania, I am instructed to inform Your Excellency that the American Government considers that the situation which prompted the action and suggestion of the United States has been, subsequent to that action and suggestion, materially changed inasmuch as present reports indicate that progress has been made by [Page 435] China and Russia in negotiations looking toward the settlement of their differences by peaceful means. In view of these developments, the present situation does not seem to require that further communications be sent at this time to China and Russia.”
I am [etc.]