861.77 Chinese Eastern/772: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Perkins) to the Secretary of State

2. My 1206, December 31, 10 a.m. Following from American Consul at Harbin:


“December 31, 10 a.m. Tsai and Soviet party arrived Harbin this morning from Changchun. They were met by a few Chinese but many Soviet adherents waving red flags. Local press reports that Mo Te-hui has been appointed Tupan of Chinese Eastern Railway.”


“December 31, 4 p.m. Soviet prisoners, including those arrested at Soviet Consulate General May last, liberated today. Meeting of new board of directors of railway took place at 2 p.m. and new Soviet General Manager Rudy and Assistant Manager Denisoff took over chargé of administration of railway at 3:10 p.m. today.”
