861.77 Chinese Eastern/586: Telegram
The Ambassador in Mexico (Morrow) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:05 p.m.]
371. Reference to my telegram No. 368, December 3, 6 p.m. I saw the Minister for Foreign Affairs personally again today and he informed me that he had sent messages by telegraph to the Commissar for Foreign Affairs at Moscow and to the Minister for Foreign Affairs at Nanking. He said that he was giving a copy of this communication to the Russian Minister in Mexico City so that he might transmit it to his Government in the Russian language. Mr Estrada says that the Government of Mexico merely made friendly representations as a signatory to the Pact of Paris to two other signatories of that pact and expressed the hope that their difficulties might reach a peaceful solution assuring the two Governments of the friendly disinterestedness of Mexico. He also stated that he had sent a telegram to the Mexican diplomatic representatives in Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica directing them to inform the Governments of those countries that a communication in this sense had been sent to the Governments of China and Russia.