861.77 Chinese Eastern/570: Telegram
The Chargé in China (Perkins) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:40 p.m.]
1084. The following from Reuter, dated Moscow, December 3d:
“The Russo-Chinese dispute over the Chinese Eastern Railway has been settled by a protocol signed at Nikolsk-Ussuriisk by Mr. Tsai Yun-sheng, Commissioner for Foreign Affairs in Harbin, and Mr. Simanovsky, Russian Diplomatic Agent.
This protocol agrees to the reorganization of the administrators of the railway in strict conformity with the Peking and Mukden agreements of 1924.
Mr. Tsai promised to dismiss Mr. Lu Yung-huan, chairman of the Railway Board, and, in return, Mr. Simanovsky agreed to recommend other candidates for the managership and assistant managership than Messrs. Emshanov and Eismont, both of whom however may be given other positions on the railway.”