861.77 Chinese Eastern/568: Telegram
The Ambassador in Italy (Garrett) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:30 p.m.]
92. Your 79, December 1, 6 p.m.61 The following official Stefanii Agency communication was published in the press last night:
“The Government of the United States has expressed to the governments of the principal powers signatories of the Kellogg Pact the desire that they call attention of the Government of China and of the Government of Russia to the obligations resulting from the above pact of which they are signatories.
Last week the Ambassador of the United States, Mr. Garrett, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Grandi, together examined the situation created in the Far East as a result of the Russo-Chinese conflict and they communicated to each other their respective points of view on the question. The Italian Government has willingly adhered to the desire expressed by the Government of Washington.
As a result of these understandings Minister Grandi instructed the Italian Ambassador at Moscow and the Minister at Peiping to transmit to the Soviet Government and to the Nanking Government a note in the following tenor:
‘The Italian Government, in associating itself with the step proposed by the Government of the United States to the principal powers signatories of the Kellogg Pact for the purpose of resolving in a peaceful manner the situation in Manchuria, calls the full attention of the Governments of China and Russia to the provisions of the above-mentioned pact.
The formal assurances which the aforesaid two Governments gave both [both gave?] when adhering to the Treaty for the Renunciation of War and [sic] therefore permit the Italian Government to hope that they will desist from measures of hostility and will agree between themselves upon some suitable means to arrive at a peaceful settlement of their present controversy.’”
A copy of the above Italian note was also received by the Embassy from the Foreign Office today.