861.77 Chinese Eastern/541: Telegram
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 3—8:30 a.m.]
357. Embassy’s 356, December 2, 3 p.m. The official text of the British memorandum to the Chinese and Soviet Governments as published in the Times this morning is practically identical with your statement. I understand press agencies have cabled full summaries to Washington so [am?] not cabling text to you unless so instructed. Copies of text being forwarded by pouch today. Yesterday in the House of Commons the Foreign Secretary, after briefly outlining the steps taken, stated, when asked whether the Government intended to call the attention of the League Council to the matter, “Not at the moment, until we see whether the effort made jointly by the powers who have signed the Kellogg Pact is sufficiently effective.”