861.77 Chinese Eastern/664

Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Johnson)

The Chinese Minister during a call today informed me that he had received from the Chinese Minister at Berlin a translation of the note dated November 14, which the Chinese Government had asked the German Government to transmit on its behalf to the Soviet Government. He read to me this note, which in substance was the same as that communicated to us by the Embassy in Berlin, (Legation’s [sic] 237, November 29, noon). The Minister pointed out that this note proposed two things to be done simultaneously, one the withdrawal of the armed forces on both sides to a distance of thirty miles from the frontier in order that peace on the frontier might be maintained, and second, that the question of responsibility for hostilities be investigated by an impartial commission. He pointed out that the note stated that provided this was agreed to, China was prepared to submit the whole matter of dispute to a commission for arbitration and settlement in accord with its obligations under the Pact of Paris. He stated that he felt that this note was quite in line with the suggestions of the Secretary with regard to conciliation and indicated the Chinese Government’s willingness to resort to pacific means for the settlement of the dispute.

I pointed out to the Chinese Minister that this note, although dated November 14, apparently was not handed to the Russians until November 29. I asked him if he knew why that was. He said he did not.

N[elson] T. J[ohnson]