861.77 Chinese Eastern/513: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in France (Armour)39
392. Department’s 384, November 26, 2 p.m.40 and your 535, November 28, noon.
1. Having received replies from all of the Governments addressed, and finding the replies in general favorable in principle to my proposal that attention be called to the obligations assumed by the signatories of [Page 367] the Pact of Paris, but finding, further, a variety of opinions, suggestions and proposals as to method of proceeding, the American Government intends for its own part to communicate directly to the Chinese Government and to ask the French Government to transmit to the Russian Government substantially the statement contained in paragraph 6 of the Department’s telegram under reference, and to make statement public on the morning of Monday, December 2.
I appreciate the promptness and cordiality with which the French Government gave its frank reply to my inquiry, and I hope that the French Government will see its way clear to addressing the Chinese and the Russian Governments in a sense similar to or identical with the communication which the American Government intends to make.
2. The alteration which will be made in the text as supplied in paragraph 6 of Department’s telegram under reference will appear in the next to the last sentence after the semi-colon and will read after “refrain”: “or desist from measures of hostility and will find it possible in the near future to come to an agreement between themselves upon a method for resolving by peaceful means the issues over which they are at present in controversy.” What precedes and what follows will remain as previously submitted.
3. I request that you communicate the above immediately to the French Foreign Office.