861.77 Chinese Eastern/174

The First Secretary of the French Embassy (Henry) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Castle)

Dear Mr. Castle: Last week the Secretary of State gave to the Ambassador the text of a proposed note to China and Russia for the settlement of their dispute.

The Ambassador transmitted the text of that document to Paris. We are just in receipt of a telegram from Mr. Briand saying that in his opinion Mr. Stimson’s suggestion is in every respect in accordance with the Kellogg Pact and that its legal basis is strong. Mr. Briand thinks that in case Russia and China could not reach a settlement by direct communication between themselves the Secretary’s note could be forwarded, in accordance with the Kellogg Pact, it being understood that such transmission should be made with the approval of the principal Powers interested in the maintenance of the Peace in the Far East.

In the absence of the Ambassador who is in the country for about a week I should be obliged if you were kind enough to communicate Mr. Briand’s answer to the Secretary of State./.

Believe me [etc.]

Jules Henry