861.77 Chinese Eastern/153
Memorandum by the Secretary of State
The French Ambassador when he called today handed me the following statement of information which had been received by his Government:
“Mr. Karakhan confirmed on July 29th., to the French Ambassador in Moscow his previous denial to direct or indirect conversations between Chinese and Russians.
“Mr. Karakhan maintains that no conversation will be possible before the return to the status quo, that is to say before the restoration of the state of things existing prior to the seizure of the telegraphic communications by the Chinese Government, this including the re-instalment of the personnel.
“According to the French Minister in Peking, the Chinese Minister of Communications has prepared regulations for the working of the railroad. It is believed in Peking that if the Russian pressure is accentuated the Chinese Government would modify those regulations in a way favorable to the Russian demands.
“Washington, July 31st., 1929.”