462.00R296/2847: Telegram

The Chargé in France (Armour) to the Secretary of State


156. Reparation 213. The following message for the Secretary from Owen Young was received last night:

“Only introductory part of your 112, April 15, has been received by me, and in behalf of my American associates and myself, I thank you for the kindly spirit of your approach.

In my message dated April 12, Reparation 207, I stated that a subcommittee of the full Committee would be appointed to hear proposals from the representatives of all powers of debts participations who wish to be heard. In view of the decision which the full Committee took at its plenary session held yesterday to the effect [Page 1064] that neither the full Committee nor any subcommittee would hear proposals or objections from governments, that statement needs to be corrected. When the Germans objected that the Committee’s character as an independent experts committee would necessarily be impaired, if not indeed destroyed, if the door were opened for governmental participation in its work at any point, this decision was reached. However, it was informally understood that as a matter of courtesy the four creditor powers, whose memorandum had been filed with the full Committee, would invite statements as to the provision made for them in that memorandum from all powers of minor participation. Accordingly I understand that through the Reparation Commission the four creditor powers have asked that representatives of powers of minor participation sit with them for the purpose of discussing their memorandum and that the secretary of the Reparation Commission has asked Wilson whether he would care to represent the United States at that meeting. The way for you to indicate the American views, and perhaps get the memorandum modified to meet your wishes, would seem to be opened by this procedure.”

The reason Mr. Young refers to receiving only the introductory part of your 112 is because the message was so badly garbled I was able to transmit only the first two sections to him yesterday. I am immediately delivering the rest of the message following receipt of service messages from the Department this morning.
