861.77 Chinese Eastern/35: Telegram

The Chargé in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State

75. Embassy’s telegram 73, July 12, 3 p.m.90 Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs told me today that the Japanese Government had no intention of commenting on or interfering in the dispute between the Soviets and the Chinese in regard to the Chinese Eastern Railway. He said that the Soviet Ambassador had told him that relations were broken off and added that the Japanese did not think for the moment that it would lead to war. He said that communications were very slow and unsatisfactory between Tokyo and Moscow via Harbin and that the Japanese Government for the moment did not have accurate information beyond that appearing in the press. The Minister for Foreign Affairs said he did not expect the question to be discussed at the Cabinet meeting today and that no Japanese action was contemplated for the present.

Repeated to Peking.

  1. Not printed.