Memorandum of a Conversation Between the Secretary of State and the British Ambassador (Howard)
The British Ambassador called to inquire if the Government was still of the opinion that it did not desire an American on the Experts Committee to be chairman. I informed the Ambassador that the United States had not changed its opinion; that it was its desire that an American should not be elected chairman; that it was also the desire of Mr. Young2 that he should not be elected chairman because his wife was ill and he expects to take an alternate with him and he might have to leave at any time; that it was a question principally interesting the European Governments; the United States desired, of course, that any advice or assistance they could get from American experts that they should get it but it was largely a question for the European Governments; that if they got in a jam where they could not organize, Mr. Young would communicate confidentially with the President and the President, of course, would give it most sympathetic consideration as he did not wish to deprive our delegates of rendering assistance; that he had left that in the hands of Mr. Young. I asked the Ambassador to request his Government to keep this in strict confidence and to leave the matter in the hands of Mr. Young. He said he would do it.
- F[rank] B. K[ellogg]
- W[illiam] R. C[astle]
- Owen D. Young.↩