
The Ambassador in Chile (Culbertson) to the Secretary of State

No. 225

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 218 of July 1, 1929,49 I have the honor to transmit herewith the Spanish text of the Protocol of the Tacna-Arica Treaty between Chile and Peru. Until released by the Governments this Protocol should be held strictly confidential.

I have [etc.]

W. S. Culbertson
[Page 811]

Additional Protocol to the Tacna-Arica Treaty Between Chile and Peru

The Governments of Chile and Peru have agreed to sign an additional Protocol of the Treaty which is signed on this day and their respective Plenipotentiaries, duly authorized thereto, have in effect agreed on the following:

  • Article 1.—The Governments of Chile and Peru shall not, without a previous agreement between them, cede to a third Power all or part of the territories which in accordance with the Treaty of this same date are under their respective sovereignties, neither shall they, without that requisite, build across them any new international railway.
  • Article 2.—The harbor facilities which the Treaty in its Article Five accords to Peru shall consist in the most absolutely free transit of persons, merchandise and armament to the Peruvian territory and from that territory across the Chilean territory. The shipping and landing operations shall, during the construction and until the completion of the works referred to in Article Five of the Treaty, take place on the Arica-La Paz railway pier, which is reserved for the service of the Arica-Tacna Railway.
  • Article 3.—The Arica Morro shall be dismantled and the Government of Chile will erect at its own expense the monument agreed to in Article Eleven of the Treaty.

The present Protocol forms an integral part of the Treaty of this same date and consequently shall be ratified and its ratifications shall be exchanged at Santiago de Chile as soon as possible.

In faith whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries sign and seal the present additional Protocol in duplicate at Lima on the third day of the month of June one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-nine.

E. Figueroa
Pedro José Rada y Gamio
  1. Not printed.
  2. Translation made in the Department.