Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (White)
The Bolivian Minister called on Friday morning, July 5. He stated that he received last night a telegram from his Government which was a copy of an instruction sent to the Bolivian Legation in Lima. He handed me a copy of the telegram which reads, in translation, as follows:
“La Paz, July 4, 1929.
“Legation Bolivia. Lima.
“From various sources we have received rumors stating that a secret protocol concluded between Chile and Peru annexed to the principal Treaty contains stipulations contrary to Bolivian maritime reintegration and its future commercial development.
“Call on President Leguia carrying to him this despatch and state to him that we desire to put aside these rumors and to build up on permanent friendly bases the future of our international relations to which any Chilean-Peruvian entente seeking a hegemony of the South Pacific will be an obstacle.
“The sovereignty of Arica being determined, our future policy to recover an outlet to the sea can never hurt the rights nor expectations of Peru, upon whose help we hope to count.
[Page 810]“Similarly a Chilean-Peruvian entente which is rumored in foreign international circles would raise up a grave obstacle to the friendly future of America, to which we desire to contribute, as we have demonstrated in terminating all our differences with Atlantic nations which today extend to us frank sympathy and as we shall demonstrate, endeavoring to bring about a territorial arrangement with Paraguay in Washington.
(Signed) Elio.”
The Minister stated that I would see that this was a very temperate statement and that Bolivia is following the advice of the Department and is not stirring up this question now.