Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (White)
The Bolivian Minister called on Wednesday, June 12, accompanied by Mr. de la Barra, Secretary of the Legation. The Minister stated that the Secretary’s recent conversation with Mr. de la Barra had been duly transmitted to the Bolivian Government and that he was now instructed to say that the Bolivian Government much appreciated the interest of the Secretary in their problems and that, in [Page 807] accordance with the Secretary’s suggestion, Bolivia would drop the question of a port on the Pacific for the time being and would wait until the Tacna-Arica matter was definitively settled and out of the way. In the meantime, in view of the Secretary’s view regarding the controversy between Bolivia and Paraguay, and the importance which the Secretary attaches to its prompt settlement, the Bolivian Government has instructed its delegates on the Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation to discuss with the other members of the Commission the question of a complete settlement of the dispute and to transmit to the Bolivian Government any proposals to this end which the Commission may make.
The Minister stated that his Government duly appreciates the interest which the Secretary is taking in the problems of Bolivia and is glad in this way to show its hearty appreciation and its desire to follow the suggestions made by the Secretary. The Minister added that the question of a port is a primordial one for Bolivia and that later on, when the proper moment arrives, Bolivia will take this question up again.