723.2515/3329: Telegram

The Ambassador in Peru (Moore) to the Secretary of State


64. Tonight I received the following self-explanatory note from President Leguia, dated April 9:

“Dear Mr. Ambassador: With reference to this morning’s conversation I beg to say as follows:

At the various interviews which I have had with the Chilean Ambassador we have definitely agreed on two points: first, that Tacna shall have a port of its own and second, that the cost of constructing such a port will be defrayed by Chile.

As you know the Frederick Snare Corporation experts were requested to study the most suitable place for constructing the port. They have gone thoroughly into the subject, but so far the selection made by them has been objected to by Chile. Now they appear to be entangled in a discussion as to the suitability or otherwise of the sites recommended by the Chilean engineers in lieu of the site suggested by the Snare Corporation. I fear that nothing will come of it.

In order, however, that you should see clearly into the matter, I desire to tell you that as far as we are concerned it is immaterial whether the contemplated port is near to or some kilometers distant from the present port of Arica, provided that the port to be built is guaranteed by a reputable concern, and that the contract therefor insures the construction of a port similar to the one which the Snare Corporation is willing to undertake to construct at San José. In short, I do not desire any quibbling on this score, and I should be greatly obliged to you if you would kindly so convey it to [Page 765] President Hoover and Secretary Stimson, if you deem it necessary to do so. I am, dear Ambassador, yours very truly, (signed) A. B. Leguia.”

I suggest that the negotiations dealing with this matter be undertaken directly with Ambassador Davila because I have been informed on excellent authority that he is very close to the President of Chile and has much influence with him.
