723.2515/3327: Telegram
The Ambassador in Chile (Culbertson) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 10—1:35 a.m.]
59. Referring to my telegram No. 57, April 8, 4 p.m. Consideration by the Cabinet adjourned pending further discussion with the Chilean engineers. A cable was sent tonight to Figueroa at Lima in which Chilean engineers—those who designed the port of San Antonio, Antofagasta and Constitution and who have just returned from an investigation of the coast north of Arica—state:
- 1.
- That the type of construction recommended by Cady for Las Yaradas will not withstand the sea and that they disagree with Seeley as to the cost of construction at this place;
- 2.
- That following the type of construction at San Antonio they will assume the responsibility of constructing a port at Las Yaradas with warehouses, customhouse, railroad connection, et cetera, for a little under six million dollars.
Minister of Foreign Affairs concludes his cable to Figueroa as follows:
“You may tell Leguia about our desire to arrive as soon as possible at a final solution in order to avoid further cablegraphic discussions [Page 764] of a technical character. If he wishes, the Chilean engineers may go to Lima to show him their estimates, plans, maps, et cetera. You may add that if he accepts that Chile assumes the responsibility of the construction in Las Yaradas, he need only declare it and appoint a controller in order to initiate the works immediately. We have all the necessary equipment. In any case we would give Peru six million dollars for the port at Las Yaradas or at Ho in southern Peru in case Leguia should choose the latter place. In this way the Tacna Arica question may come to an end without any more difficulties and with great advantage for both countries.”
I understand from this cable that Chile is willing to pay Peru six million dollars to be used for any purpose Peru may choose and that, if Leguia decides to use it to build a port at Las Yaradas, Chile is willing to send her engineers to Lima for conference and that they are willing to assume the responsibility of constructing the port and facilities at this point for under six million dollars.