810.79611 Pan American Airways, Inc./701
The Secretary of State to the Postmaster General (Brown)
Sir: The Department refers to the letter of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, dated October 22, 1929, addressed to Mr. Dana G. Munro, reporting as of interest to this Department that the service rendered by the Pan American Airways under its various contracts with the Post Office Department is highly satisfactory.
In this relation permit me to inform you that the Department has been informed by a representative of the Pan American Airways that the company intends to bid for a contract to carry the Cuban mails to the United States, and that in the event the company obtains the contract they propose to carry the airmails to Cuba under one of their other contracts with the Post Office Department instead of the one under which they are now operating and that the funds received from the Cuban Government for carrying the mails to the United States will be turned into the United States Treasury. With this statement in mind, the Department will be glad to say to the Cuban Government that the service rendered by the Pan American Airways has been highly satisfactory if the Cuban Government makes inquiry along this line.
Very truly yours,
Assistant Secretary