The Secretary of State to the Polish Chargé (Lepkowski)
Sir: Referring to previous correspondence relative to the participation of this Government in the Second International Diplomatic [Page 541] Conference on Private Aeronautical Law, to be held at Warsaw on October 4, 1929, I have to state that after a full consideration of your Government’s invitation, the courtesy of which is highly appreciated, this Government finds itself unable to send official delegates to the Conference in question but will be glad to send Mr. John J. Ide, European representative of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, as an observer to follow the proceedings of the Conference should this be agreeable to the Polish Government.3
Accept [etc.]
[On October 29, 1929, the Chargé in Poland transmitted to the Department a copy of the convention on international air transportation signed October 12, 1929, by the majority of states officially represented at the Conference (579.6L2/37).
In 1934 the Government of the United States adhered, with reservation, to this convention, the text of which is published in Department of State Treaty Series No. 876 and 49 Stat. 3000.]
- On September 25 the Polish Chargé informed the Department that Mr. Ide’s appointment was acceptable to his Government (579.6L2/28).↩