The Polish Minister (Filipowicz) to the Secretary of State
Sir: Acting upon instructions of my Government, I have the honor to invite the Government of the United States to send official delegates to the Second International Diplomatic Conference on private aeronautical law, which will take place in Warsaw on October 7th, 1929.2
On the agenda of this Conference will be placed the discussion of the draft of the Convention relative to documents for air transportation and to the responsibility of the carrier in international air transportation, being the result of the discussions of the International Technical Committee of Legal Aeronautic Experts and adopted by the Committee during its Third Session in May 1928.
The text of this draft, in conformity with article 7 of the Regulations of the International Technical Committee of Legal Aeronautic Experts has been transmitted by the French Government to the interested Governments.
I sincerely hope that the Government of the United States will give its favorable consideration to this invitation, and advise me in due time of the names of the respective delegates.
Accept [etc.]
- On June 25 the Polish Chargé informed the Department that the date had been advanced to October 4 (579.6L2/8).↩