The Secretary of State to the Spanish Ambassador (Padilla)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of February 11 in which you inform me that His Majesty’s Government has sent instructions to the Spanish Consul General at Tangier authorizing him to collaborate with the American Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier in examining and reporting on the outstanding claims of American citizens and proteges in cases arising in connection with the so-called Spanish zone of Morocco.
[Page 347]I have accordingly telegraphed instructions to the American Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier5 giving him full powers to proceed in conjunction with the Spanish Consul General at Tangier to examine the claims in question and to prepare a joint report of findings and recommendations for submission to the two Governments.
When this joint report has been received and considered by this Government I shall be glad to discuss with you further the question raised in your Embassy’s note of July 26, 1927,6 regarding official recognition on the part of this Government of the Spanish protectorate in that part of Morocco commonly known as the Spanish zone.
Accept [etc.]