The Spanish Ambassador (Padilla) to the Secretary of State
Mr. Secretary: Referring to Your Excellency’s kind note dated November 7 last4 relative to the recognition on the part of the Government of the United States of North America of the Spanish protectorate zone in Morocco and remembering the statements made therein it behooves me to say to Your Excellency that the Government of His Majesty has sent to its Consul General at Tangier the proper instructions for him to come to an agreement with the Diplomatic Agent and Consul General of the United States there in order to arrive at an early and full settlement of the claims of North American subjects, originating in the Protectorate zone which are still awaiting decision. This favorable inclination of the Government of His Majesty wholly meets the wishes expressed by that of the United States of which Your Excellency is so worthy a part and therefore it is to be hoped that the action entrusted to the representatives of both high parties in Tangiers will bring about the desired solution.
I avail myself [etc.]