611.9331/79: Telegram

The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

584. Following is text of note addressed to Doctor Wang, Nationalist Minister for Foreign Affairs:

“Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, on July 29th, of the undated telegram in which you were so good as to [Page 483] communicate to me directly the English translation of a note, the original of which you advised me was being transmitted to me through other channels, in response to the telegram of July 24th, 10 p.m., in which I had conveyed to you a note of that date from the Secretary of State.

Since the time at which it may be presumed your note was written, you have no doubt learned of the signature at Peking, early in the afternoon of July 25th, of the treaty regulating tariff relations between the United States and China. In the conclusion of that treaty, the Government of the United States very promptly and completely fulfilled what had been offered in Mr. Kellogg’s note of the 24th. In order, therefore, to avoid any possibility of misconception as to the purposes of my Government under present circumstances, I must point out that, whereas your note to me refers to ‘negotiations soon to commence’, it is now the fact that such negotiations as the American Government had in contemplation have already been satisfactorily concluded.

I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency the renewed assurance of my highest consideration.”
