611.9331/76: Telegram
The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 30—3:32 a.m.]
582. My 575, July 27, 4 p.m.9 The following received from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Nanking:
“Your Excellency: I have sent my note in reply to Your Excellency’s communication of July 24th10 to Mr. Y. L. Tong, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, for transmission to Your Excellency. I am now sending you an English translation of the same which may be released to press Tuesday noon.
‘Monsieur le Ministre: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s communication of July 24th transmitting a note from the American Secretary of State regarding the question of readjustment of treaty relations between China and the United States.
The Nationalist Government feel much gratified to be apprised of the deep and sympathetic interest with which the American Government and people have been watching the recent developments in this country and of the readiness of the American Government to enter into negotiations at once through Your Excellency with the representative of the Nationalist Government for the purpose of concluding a new treaty. The Chinese people rejoice in the fact that the United States is yet the first power to make a response in a spirit of sincerity and good will to the policy of treaty revision maintained by the Nationalist Government; and that such frank cooperation between the American Government and people, between the Chinese Government and people will not only put the traditional friendship between the two countries on a yet firmer and nobler foundation but promote the peace of the world.
It is the hope of the Nationalist Government that the negotiations soon to commence between China and the United States will result in a proper settlement of all questions which are in need of immediate solution.
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Nationalist Government have appointed Mr. Chao-chu Wu as the plenipotentiary delegate to negotiate with the representatives of the American Government. I deemed it advisable to have the negotiations commenced at an early date so that a new treaty may be concluded within the shortest possible period of time thus ushering in a new epoch in the diplomatic relations between the two countries.
I avail myself of the opportunity to extend to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. Signed Cheng Ting T. Wang.’”