791.003/14: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Persia (Philip)


19. (1) If and when representatives of other powers are authorized to present note to Persian Government in sense of the draft contained in Legation’s 28, May 14, 3 p.m., and unless you perceive objection, you should use following terms in formal communication on behalf of this Government to the Persian Government.33

“I am instructed by my Government to acknowledge the receipt of the note addressed to this Legation under date of May 10, 1927 in which, in accordance with article 8 of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce of 1856 between the United States and Persia notice is given of the termination of the said treaty on May 10, 1928.

“The Government of the United States is prepared to consider in a friendly and sympathetic spirit the several questions raised in the Persian Government’s note of May 10 but desires as a preliminary to have precise information regarding the new codes of justice and the organization of the courts which it is proposed should replace consular jurisdiction in Persia.”

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(2) Instructions are being sent to Embassies in Paris and London to sound French and British Governments regarding their attitudes in matter of capitulations in Persia, but to refrain from committing this Government to joint action with other powers exercising capitulatory privileges.

(3) Cable information regarding instructions received by representatives of other powers, and of Great Britain in particular.

(4) How far has Persian Government gone in giving publicity to its démarche?

  1. Quotation not paraphrased.