
The Ambassador in Mexico (Sheffield) to the Secretary of State

No. 4029

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s instruction No. 1263 of March 30, 1927, in relation to the matter of concluding a Convention with Mexico dealing with the rectification of the channel of the Rio Grande as far as Fort Quitman, Texas, and to inform the Department that I am now in receipt of a note from the Foreign Office, dated April 25, in reply to my note of April 5, 1927, a copy of which was transmitted with my despatch No. 3914.56 A translation of this note follows: [Page 233]

“From the contents of Your Excellency’s courteous note No. 1882 of the 5th instant, I have been pleased to learn that the Government of the United States of America accepts the idea of Mexico that the Convention fixing the bases upon which the proposed rectification of the Rio Grande between El Paso and Fort Quitman shall be effected, shall be studied and submitted by the International Boundary Commission.

“I also note that the Government of the United States is disposed to instruct its Commissioner to proceed with this work and I take pleasure in advising Your Excellency that instructions are being issued to the Mexican Commissioner in this same sense.”

A copy and translation of this note are transmitted herewith.

I have [etc.]

James R. Sheffield
  1. Despatch not printed.