
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Sheffield)

No. 1263

Sir: The Department refers to your Embassy’s despatch No. 3073 of October 28, 1926,55 with which you enclosed copy and translation of a note dated October 27, 1926, from the Mexican Foreign Office in relation to the matter of concluding a convention for dealing with the rectification of the channel of the Rio Grande, as far as Fort Quitman, Texas;

The Department understands from the Mexican note in question that the Government of Mexico accepts in principle the idea of concluding a convention for the purpose indicated, which shall also deal with the question of the status of the lands segregated from the one country or the other by the contemplated works.

It also appears from the note that the Mexican Government is of the opinion that the International Boundary Commission is the appropriate body to formulate the convention in question.

In reply to the note mentioned, you will inform the Foreign Office that your Government accepts the view of the Mexican Government that the International Boundary Commission may appropriately draft the convention in question and is prepared to instruct the American Commissioner to proceed with the work, upon being advised that the Mexican Government will send similar instructions to the Mexican Commissioner. You will conclude by expressing the hope that the action indicated may be taken at an early date.

I am [etc.]

Frank B. Kellogg