033.1138/6: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the High Commissioner in Haiti (Russell)
9. Your No. 10, March 8, 9 a.m. This morning Haitian Minister called at Department to make request outlined in your telegram [Page 82] under reference and was informed that the Department of State was without authority to take any steps to interfere with proposed visit of Senator King to Haiti. If you think advisable you may inform President Borno to that effect, and add that Department has not been informed in any way by Senator King in regard to his plans, and that the visit contemplated has no official character. Department feels, furthermore, that should Government of Haiti carry out its expressed intention, effect would be unfortunate for all concerned and might react unfavorably on public opinion in this country. The Department feels that there is much more to be gained by letting Senator King obtain information at first hand of constructive benefits of the American occupation than if he were afforded an opportunity to assert that, by endeavoring to prevent his visit, an effort is being made to conceal the facts.