033.1138/6: Telegram
The High Commissioner in Haiti (Russell) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:30 p.m.]
10. President Borno has shown me a copy of a letter which reads as follows:
“United States Senate, Committee of the Judiciary, February 22nd, 1927.
Perceval Thorby; Union Patriotique Comite Central, Port au Prince, Haiti.
My Dear Mr. Thorby. I received your wire and your letter of recent date. I regret to learn of the unsatisfactory conditions in Haiti. I expect to sail for Haiti from New York on the 5th of March, visiting Porto Rico for a few days en route. I shall proceed from Porto Rico to Santo Domingo and then visit Haiti. It is my present intention to reach Port au Prince about the 15th of March. I desire to spend a few days in Haiti, studying conditions there.
I shall advise you before reaching Haiti the exact time of my arrival in your country. With all good wishes, I am, sincerely yours, William H. King.”
Yesterday a manifesto of the Union Central-South American [garbled group] urging a boycott of American goods was distributed here by the Patriotic Union of which Thorby is President.
[Paraphrase.] I have been advised by President Borno that he intends to inform the Department of State through the Haitian Minister in Washington of the visit contemplated by Senator King, whom he regards as a disturbing force, and that unless the Senator is visiting Haiti as the representative of the Senate, President Borno intends to request the Department of State to inform the Senator that his visit is not acceptable to the Government of Haiti. [End paraphrase.]
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