500.A15 a 1/c: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)
27. Referring to Department’s telegram 25. The Department desires that, in presenting its memorandum to the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, you impress on him that this Government has tried to formulate its proposals in such a way as to make them acceptable to the Government of France. You should point out especially that the United States Government has avoided proposing any detailed plan in the memorandum, because it does not wish to preclude free discussion later of any such detailed plans which the French Government might be inclined to bring forward in its own interest. The French Government’s often-expressed desire to bring about an early limitation of armament has impressed the United States Government by its sincerity. The difficulties of treating with three categories of armament simultaneously are, on the other hand, so great as to cause serious apprehension lest a deadlock prevent any real progress in the direction of the common goal. These proposals have been made by the United States Government in the hope that such an unfortunate conclusion of the Preparatory Commission’s labors may be avoided. The earnest hope of the United States Government should be expressed to the Foreign Minister that his Government will agree respecting the desirability of a special effort being made to accomplish at least one type of limitation, thereby contributing to the Preparatory Commission’s work and facilitating the task of the final Conference, in the calling of which the Government of France has taken the lead. As your personal opinion, you may have the chance to point out that the French Government’s unconditional acceptance of this American proposal would very happily affect public opinion in this country.
You should add that the United States Government believes the negotiations contemplated by its memorandum, while not necessarily beginning on the date of the Preparatory Commission’s convening, should be started at the earliest possible date thereafter as generally agreeable to the five interested Governments.