- Three-Power Conference at Geneva for the Limitation of Naval Armament,
June 20–August 4, 1927 (Documents 1–150)
- Participation of the United States in the work of the third and fourth
sessions of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference (Documents 151–193)
- Meeting of the Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft
Convention on the Private Manufacture of Arms and Ammunition and of
Implements of War, Geneva, March 14–April 25, 1927 (Documents 194–198)
- Status of treaties concluded at the Washington Conference on the
Limitation of Armament, and of certain resolutions adopted by that
Conference (Document 199)
- American representation at the World Economic Conference, Geneva, May
4–23, 1927 (Documents 200–203)
- International Conference for the Abolition of Import and Export
Prohibitions and Restrictions, Geneva, October 17–November 8, 1927 (Documents 204–231)
- Participation of the United States in meeting of the Committee of Experts
on Double Taxation and Tax Evasion, London, April 4–12, 1927 (Documents 232–234)
- Radiotelegraph convention between the United States and other powers,
signed November 25, 1927 (Document 235)
- Proposed disposition of property held by the Alien Property Custodian (Documents 236–237)
- Additional protocol between the United States and other American
Republics, signed October 19, 1927, amending the Pan American sanitary
convention of November 14, 1924 (Document 238)
- Circular instruction to diplomatic officers and certain consular officers
concerning questions arising from the negotiation of foreign loans by
American bankers (Document 239)
- Boundary disputes (Documents 240–281)
- Bolivia and Paraguay (Documents 240–246)
- Colombia and Nicaragua (Documents 247–258)
- Colombia and Peru (Documents 259–272)
- Dominican Republic and Haiti (Documents 273–281)
- Bolivia and Paraguay (Documents 240–246)
- Statement by the Secretary of State regarding Bolshevik aims and policies
in Mexico and Latin America (Document 282)
- Representation of the United States at the meeting of the International
Commission of Jurists, held at Rio de Janeiro, April 18–May 20, 1927 (Documents 283–288)
- Reply by the Department of State to questionnaires on international law
submitted by the League of Nations (Documents 289–291)
- Opinion of the Department of State on status of League of Nations
officials in the United States (Documents 292–293)
- Exemptions from taxation and customs duties enjoyed by foreign diplomatic
and consular officers in the United States (Document 294)
- Right of foreign governments to acquire, without restriction, property for
Embassy or Legation purposes in the District of Columbia (Documents 295–296)
- Suits against United States Shipping Board vessels in foreign courts (Document 297)
- Rules of precedence as between certain officers of the United
States (Document 298)