
The Chargé in Great Britain (Sterling) to the Secretary of State

No. 1569

Sir: Referring to the Embassy’s telegram No. 6, dated January 7th, 11 a.m., 1927,2 I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy, in triplicate, of the Note referred to therein from the Foreign Office, with regard to the appointments of Ministers from the United States to Canada and the Irish Free State.

I have [etc.]

F. A. Sterling
[Page 482]

The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Chamberlain) to the American Chargé (Sterling)

No. T 152/92/373

Sir: Mr. Houghton3 was good enough to inform Sir William Tyrrell4 last month, on instructions from the United States Government, of the intention of the President of the United States of America to appoint United States Ministers at Ottawa and Dublin in view of the appointment of His Majesty’s Ministers at Washington to represent the interests of Canada and the Irish Free State, and His Excellency enquired whether these appointments would be agreeable.

I now have the honour to state that His Majesty’s Governments in Canada and the Irish Free State have learnt with much satisfaction of the intention of the President of the United States and that these appointments will be most agreeable.
In reply to Mr. Houghton’s further enquiry in regard to the credentials of the Ministers whom the President proposes to appoint, the appropriate procedure would be that they should be addressed to His Majesty The King and presented to the Governor-General of Canada and of the Irish Free State respectively as His Majesty’s Representative in each of those Dominions.5

I have [etc.]

(For the Secretary of State)
Hubert Montgomery
  1. Not printed.
  2. Alanson B. Houghton, Ambassador in Great Britain.
  3. British Permanent Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
  4. Mr. William Phillips presented his credentials as American Minister in Canada on June 1, 1927, and Mr. Frederick A. Sterling presented his credentials as American Minister in the Irish Free State on July 27, 1927.