560.M2/4: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:30 a.m.]
58. Department’s telegram 60, July 15, 10 a.m. Invitation transmitted to Department by League in circular letter number 29, April 2, 1927, under cover of Legation’s despatch number 1178 of April 13, 1927, L. N. number 895,91 whereby United States was invited, on behalf of the Council of the League, to send a duly authorized delegation to take part in an international Conference with a view to framing an international convention for abolishing import and export prohibitions and restrictions.
In a communication of June 27 forwarded by last pouch under cover of Legation’s despatch number 17 of June 28, League of Nations 919,91 League requests to be informed whether United States intends to take part in Conference.