
The Estonian Chargé (Mutt) to the Acting Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley)

My Dear Mr. Kelley: At the time of conclusion of Commercial Treaty between the United States of America and Esthonia1 the question of mutual recognition of ships measurement certificates was also up. In the conference had between you, the Esthonian Minister A. Piip and Mr. C. M. Barnes2 on November 11, 1925 it was decided not to make this by the Commercial Treaty but by special exchange of notes or by special declarations. Lately I received from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Esthonia English translation of the Esthonian ships measurement certificates with request to forward the enclosed three copies of Regulations for tonnage measurement of ships to Mr. C. M. Barnes and to take further steps toward the recognition. I might say that the Esthonian regulations correspond to those of British in all its technical requirements.

Very sincerely yours,

V. Mutt
  1. Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights between the United States and Estonia, signed Dec. 23, 1925, Foreign Relations, 1925, vol. ii, p. 70.
  2. Assistant to the Solicitor.