Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1926, Volume II

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1926, Volume II
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- Colombia: (Documents 1–5)
- Costa Rica:
- Cuba: (Documents 6–19)
- Proposal by Cuba that the commercial convention between the United States
and Cuba, signed December 11, 1902, be revised (Documents 6–10)
- Convention between the United States and Cuba for the prevention of
smuggling of intoxicating liquors, signed March 4, 1926 (Documents 11–13)
- Convention between the United States and Cuba for the suppression of
smuggling, signed March 11, 1926 (Document 14)
- Consular convention between the United States and Cuba, signed April 22,
1926 (Document 15)
- Additional extradition treaty between the United States and Cuba, signed
January 14, 1926 (Document 16)
- Disinclination of the United States to conclude a trade marks convention
with Cuba as proposed by the Cuban Government (Documents 17–19)
- Proposal by Cuba that the commercial convention between the United States
and Cuba, signed December 11, 1902, be revised (Documents 6–10)
- Dominican Republic: (Documents 20–30)
- Ecuador: (Documents 31–32)
- Good offices of the American Minister on behalf of Chinese in
Ecuador (Documents 31–32)
- Good offices of the American Minister on behalf of Chinese in
Ecuador (Documents 31–32)
- Egypt: (Documents 33–50)
- Estonia: (Documents 51–53)
- France: (Documents 54–103)
- Efforts to obtain ratification of debt agreement between the United States
and France, signed April 29, 1926 (Documents 54–74)
- Failure of effort of the American Government to secure agreement with the
French Government on a naturalization treaty (Documents 75–76)
- Failure of the United States to secure a convention with France relating
to letters rogatory (Documents 77–85)
- Efforts to reach an understanding with France for reciprocal recognition
of American and French legislation regarding inspection of vessels (Documents 86–89)
- Exemption of American business firms in Madagascar from payment of special
taxes (Documents 90–93)
- Precautions by the United States for the safety of Americans during the
Syrian insurrection (Documents 94–103)
- Efforts to obtain ratification of debt agreement between the United States
and France, signed April 29, 1926 (Documents 54–74)
- Germany: (Documents 104–134)
- Insistence of the United States on its rights to priority payments for
costs of army of occupation under the agreement of January 14, 1925 (Documents 104–112)
- Rejection by arbitrators of claim of the Standard Oil Company to the D. A.
P. G. tankers (Documents 113–121)
- Policy of the Department of State regarding American bankers’ loans to
German states and municipalities (Documents 122–126)
- Objection by the Department of State to proposed loan by Lee, Higginson
& Company to the German Potash Syndicate (Documents 127–134)
- Insistence of the United States on its rights to priority payments for
costs of army of occupation under the agreement of January 14, 1925 (Documents 104–112)
- Great Britain: (Documents 135–195)
- Claims of American citizens against Great Britain arising out of the war,
1914–1918 (Documents 135–169)
- Claim of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey against the British
Government for the destruction of property in Rumania in 1916 (Documents 170–174)
- Cooperation of the British Government with the American Government to
prevent liquor smuggling into the United States (Documents 175–184)
- Efforts by the United States to obtain for American rubber manufacturers
relief from British restrictions on the export of raw rubber (Document 185)
- Continued negotiations to ensure recognition of the principle of the Open
Door in the Turkish Petroleum Company’s concession in Iraq (Documents 186–195)
- Claims of American citizens against Great Britain arising out of the war,
1914–1918 (Documents 135–169)
- Greece: (Documents 196–211)
- Refusal of the United States to join in representations to Greece
regarding alleged violations of the loan agreement of February 10, 1918 (Documents 196–201)
- Representations by the United States against the nonexemption of American
consular officers in Greece from the provisions of the forced loan of
1926 (Documents 202–211)
- Refusal of the United States to join in representations to Greece
regarding alleged violations of the loan agreement of February 10, 1918 (Documents 196–201)
- Guatemala: (Documents 212–215)
- Haiti: (Documents 216–257)
- Temporary withdrawal of United States war vessels from Haitian waters
because of presidential election (Documents 216–220)
- Visit of President Borno of Haiti to the United States (Documents 221–225)
- Agreement between the United States and Haiti according mutual
unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, signed July
8, 1926 (Documents 226–232)
- Commercial convention between France and Haiti, signed July 29,
1926 (Documents 233–239)
- Promise by the United States not to raise certain objections to the claims
agreement between France and Haiti, signed June 12, 1925 (Documents 240–250)
- Support by the United States of Haitian refusal to arbitrate with France
the question of paying interest in gold on gold loan of 1910 (Documents 251–257)
- Boundary dispute with the Dominican Republic
- Temporary withdrawal of United States war vessels from Haitian waters
because of presidential election (Documents 216–220)
- Honduras: (Documents 258–265)
- Italy: (Documents 266–271)
- Arrangement between the United States and Italy granting relief from
double income tax on shipping profits (Documents 266–267)
- Right of American citizens when arrested to communicate with American
consular officers (Documents 268–269)
- Permission for flight over territory of the United States by an Italian
naval hydroplane (Documents 270–271)
- Arrangement between the United States and Italy granting relief from
double income tax on shipping profits (Documents 266–267)
- Japan: (Documents 272–299)
- Arrangement between the United States and Japan granting relief from
double income tax on shipping profits (Documents 272–285)
- Proposal by Japan that a conference be called to revise the fur seals
convention, signed July 7, 1911 (Documents 286–296)
- Suits in Japanese courts against United States Shipping Board (Documents 297–299)
- Arrangement between the United States and Japan granting relief from
double income tax on shipping profits (Documents 272–285)
- Latvia: (Documents 300–321)
- Liberia: (Documents 322–374)
- Negotiations concerning the Firestone rubber concessions and the Finance
Corporation of America loan (Documents 322–369)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Liberia, signed
February 10, 1926 (Documents 370–372)
- Steps taken toward completing the delimitation of the Franco-Liberian
boundary (Documents 373–374)
- Negotiations concerning the Firestone rubber concessions and the Finance
Corporation of America loan (Documents 322–369)
- Mexico: (Documents 375–417)
- Representations by the United States against Mexican agrarian and
petroleum legislation (Documents 375–389)
- Representations by the United States against the orders of June 8 and
August 24, 1926, relative to provisional permits to drill oil wells (Documents 390–403)
- Reservation by the United States of the rights of American citizens which
may be affected by the Mexican law of colonization of April 5, 1926 (Documents 404–405)
- Reservation by the United States of the rights of American citizens which
may be affected by the Mexican decree of April 8, 1926, regarding the
restitution and dotation of waters (Documents 406–407)
- Good offices of the Department of State in behalf of American citizens
adversely affected by Mexican religious legislation (Documents 408–411)
- Renewed negotiations for a settlement of the dispute over the Rio Grande
boundary (Documents 412–417)
- Representations by the United States against Mexican agrarian and
petroleum legislation (Documents 375–389)
- Morocco: (Documents 418–450)
- Attitude of the United States toward proposed changes in the status of
Tangier (Documents 418–441)
- Reservation of American rights with respect to proposed changes in the
administration of Cape Spartel Light (Documents 442–449)
- Discontinuance of the extraordinary French and Spanish joint naval
vigilance off the coast of Morocco (Document 450)
- Attitude of the United States toward proposed changes in the status of
Tangier (Documents 418–441)
- Netherlands: (Documents 451–467)
- Nicaragua: (Documents 468–529)
- Efforts by the United States to preserve constitutional government in
Nicaragua (Documents 468–529)
- Efforts by the United States to preserve constitutional government in
Nicaragua (Documents 468–529)
- Norway: (Documents 530–533)
- Panama: (Documents 534–543)
- Unperfected treaty between the United States and Panama for settlement of
points of difference, signed July 28, 1926 (Documents 534–535)
- Proposals by Panama to modify the unperfected treaty between the United
States and Panama, signed July 28, 1926 (Documents 536–542)
- Claims convention between the United States and Panama, signed July 28,
1926 (Document 543)
- Boundary dispute with Costa Rica
- Unperfected treaty between the United States and Panama for settlement of
points of difference, signed July 28, 1926 (Documents 534–535)
- Paraguay: (Documents 544–547)
- Persia: (Documents 548–549)
- Peru:
- Portugal: (Documents 550–581)
- Rumania: (Documents 582–586)
- Agreement between the United States and Rumania according mutual
unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, signed
February 26, 1926 (Document 582)
- Representations by the United States against Rumanian legislation
regarding subsoil rights in lands held in perpetual lease (Documents 583–586)
- Agreement between the United States and Rumania according mutual
unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, signed
February 26, 1926 (Document 582)
- Russia: (Documents 587–593)
- Salvador: (Documents 594–623)
- Spain: (Documents 624–632)
- Switzerland: (Documents 633–641)
- Turkey: (Documents 642–671)
- Efforts by the Department of State to obtain ratification of the general
treaty between the United States and Turkey, signed at Lausanne, August 6,
1923 (Documents 642–654)
- Agreements between the United States and Turkey according mutual
unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, signed
February 18 and July 20, 1926 (Documents 655–667)
- Participation of the High Commissioner in Turkey in collective note
requesting exemption of diplomatic and consular officers from consumption
and other special taxes (Documents 668–671)
- Efforts by the Department of State to obtain ratification of the general
treaty between the United States and Turkey, signed at Lausanne, August 6,
1923 (Documents 642–654)
- Index